
Understanding the continuous stream of information

Our data helps drive profitability and availability of top selling products to customers


Browswave engine crawls the web in the same manner as search engines do. This is an automated process of following competitor’s price points, availability, shipping cost and stock levels for all consumer electronics groups. 2M SKUs are refreshed several times a day depending on market dynamics and product importance.


Our platform is optimized for data quality and accuracy by combining algorithmic and human power.
No dashboards and reports matter if data is not accurate.

System Integration

We provide API service and rough data in standard formats like JSON, XML, CSV, Excel so that every ERP, CRM or BI system can take advantage of pricing intelligence data.

Data Science Team

Big Retails and Big Vendors rely on accurate Big Data. Our dedicated team of data scientist and mathematicians use the latest machine learning technologies and develop proprietary algorithms that allow us to become global partner for consumer electronics product and pricing data.

all-bookmarks back-button-arrow bar-chart bell-checked bell bookmarks change-loss change-win checkmark checkmark-circle chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up clear-circle clear collapse delete direct-competitors download edit email exclamation-circleexclamation-triangleexpand export external filter-menu-close filter-menu focus-group hint history import indirect-competitors minus-circle more overview pie-chart pin plus-circle search-big search-small select-menu-arrow settings sign-out sku sort-asc sort-by sort-desc spinner support training-videos unpin user-guide balance-scalebw_logo_small codeic_apps ic_bookmark ic_business ic_check_circle ic_dashboard ic_description ic_dvr ic_event_note ic_explore ic_history ic_local_atm ic_local_laundry_service ic_local_mall ic_local_offer ic_radio_button_checked ic_settings_ethernet ic_shopping_cart ic_store_mall_directory ic_tablet_mac ic_trending_up iron flag-ae flag-al flag-ar flag-at flag-au flag-ba flag-be flag-benelux flag-bg flag-bhflag-by flag-ca flag-ch flag-cy flag-cl flag-cn flag-co flag-cz flag-de flag-dk flag-ee flag-es flag-fi flag-fr flag-gh flag-gr flag-hr flag-hu flag-idflag-ie flag-ilFlag of Israel flag-in flag-it flag-jp flag-kr flag-kw flag-kz flag-lt flag-lv flag-ma flag-me flag-mk flag-multicountry flag-mx flag-ng flag-nl flag-no flag-omflag-peflag-pe9 529.264803 C 440.99162 523.986617 444.585045 520.238183 440.927554 516.670735 C 437.270063 513.103287 436.450932 516.997693 431.721477 512.811341 C 428.063986 509.243892 430.332614 500.363245 426.86389 493.993225 C 421.692837 488.096135 422.700735 481.399157 428.69092 483.40184 C 432.537177 484.166717 433.420374 487.588192 438.338595 488.971972 C 444.32878 490.974656 446.850241 486.607319 450.507732 490.174767 C 453.723624 492.031478 449.941433 498.582483 454.670887 502.768836 C 458.139612 509.138856 460.661073 504.771519 461.985869 509.903732 C 465.64336 513.471181 463.310665 515.035946 465.07706 521.878897 C 467.032222 525.919276 473.211173 525.119388 476.679898 531.489408 C 477.815928 539.424194 474.728168 552.199247 474.728168 552.199247 Z M 474.728168 552.199247 " transform="matrix(0.00273301,-0.0015492,0.00157789,0.00268327,8.979691,4.870936)"/flag-pl flag-pt flag-qaflag-ro flag-rs flag-ru flag-sa flag-se flag-sgflag-si flag-sk flag-th flag-tr flag-ua flag-uk flag-us flag-uz flag-vn flag-xk flag-za